Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What the HELL is going on?

Yahoo news have just reported the death of Chris Penn. Chris Penn. CHRIS PENN. What the fuck? He was only 43. He was in Reservoir Dogs. He was in Footloose! With Kevin Bacon! Can we expect the death of K-Bac in the next couple of weeks?
Gah!! What am I saying??!! Bite my tongue, Kevin Bacon is fine, Kevin Bacon is fine. *turns around twice, throws salt over both shoulders just to be safe and avoids all dark coloured cats*
Now, to be fair, Chris Penn was not a small man. Other than Footloose, I can't remember a film when he wasn't . . . large of girth. They don't know cause of death, but I'd bet you a lifetime supply of hotdogs it was a heart attack.
Man. Great character actors are dropping like flies.
Vale Christopher.

When exactly did my blog turn into Graveyard for Great Character Actors? I'd like it to stop.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Dante's Sixth Level Of Hell

I officially hate the heat with the fire of a thousand blazing suns. Hang on . . . that doesn't work.
I hate the heat with the level of spite and vitriol I normally reserve for ex-boyfriends and the President's Bush - what I like to call Spite Force Five.
Yeah. That's it.

I'm thinking of getting t-shirts made.