Caucus. Dictionary definition : a meeting of party leaders to select candidates, elect convention delegates, etc.
Tonight - one am Aus time - Iowa Rep and Dem members gather to decide the first official winner of the shit fight that the race for the 2008 Presidential nomination has become.
I'm stuck in WA with my parents poor excuse of a Foxtel setup that does NOT include the Comedy Channel, meaning that while the Daily Show with the godlike Jon Stewart is back on air - despite the ongoing US writers strike I might add - I am still without his brilliance. Until I get back to the less fucking hot - surely, I mean for real, Boxing Day in Perth was 45 fucking degrees - gorgeous cooler nights of Melbourne this weekend, the only thing that would make the lack of Jon for the first caucus would be a Hillary win. With a John Edwards second and Obama bringing in the rear (sorry Barack I love you but not this election, baby, TallulahBelle needs her Hill).
*crosses fingers tightly*
Go Clinton. Kick. Ass.