(to the tune of Oh Susannah)
"South Carolina,
Please don't screw Hillary,
Please don't screw Hillary,
Just let her kick Obama's arse
And be the nominee."
Sure . . . the odds of Clinton taking South Carolina comfortably/semi comfortably/not comfortably at all - seriously what the hell am I sitting on this couch is killing my back and ohmigod look at that I found a picture of your old girlfriend BILL say hi to Monica WHY DON'T YOU - are slightly less than me giving up coffee and The Clooney, but we want a CLOSE second, thanks very much South Carolina. No sneaky giving votes to Edwards just 'cause he's from your neck of the woods and is delightful. I still have high hopes he'll end up as Clinton's VP running mate but at this point, it's such a two person race between Hill and Barack that John, you're a third wheel, my love. A delightfully coiffed one, but still. Wheel. Third.
Go Team Hillary.