Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Australian Idol - Disco Night. Ouch.

What do you do when your favourite Idol bites the big one on national television?
Sigh. Chanel Chanel Chanel. You weren't the worst of the night - ohhhh no, that honour still belongs to Emelia who was freaking awful once again and was the most tuneless I think I've heard her in a while - but Chanel, you were damn close. I love her, but I actually hope she is in the bottom three this week - I think she needs the kick up the bottom to inspire her to greater heights and less mediocrity. And whilst on the subject of mediocrity - average seemed to be the call of the night.
Ricki-Lee chose the most boring, repetitive MJ song she could have, Anthony's Carwash was just him going MMMMMMMMM woooo hooooo and then the occasional lyric, Courtney should have done You Sexy Thing and not Everyone's A Winner - because THEY'RE NOT – and Chanel- words fail me at how unhappy I was watching her last night. Once again, she didn't suck but she didn't grab me and that makes me sad. The others (Daniel excluded, who looked like he'd rather be having a castration performed on him instead of performing a disco song for Australia and his rugby mates to see) were more interesting. Daniel could have been better but . . . no, he couldn't have. He was tied for second blandest performance with Chanel (man, that KILLS me). The three best performances seemed to come from Hayley (we'll forgive her the posing she's stolen from Chanel because it offered me one of the few smiling moments of last nights travesty) Casey and Marty. Who knew the Bee Gees would suit the bald one? The sad thing is that the worst performer will probably dodge another bullet. Emelia missed a lot of notes, she looked like a drag queen – a BAD drag queen - and she f*%ing cried AGAIN talking about her stupid kid, who is probably better off without such an appalling example of How To Conduct Yourself On National Television. And if Marcia says one more FUCKING time that this is the first time Emelia's done anything like this, I'll SCREAM. Its NOT the first time, she's been doing it for a month now people - they all have - so SHUT. UP. MARCIA. And also, stop picking on Chanel, I have warned you time and time again but you keep doing it.
I think Hayley will be the one to go but hey, I haven't been right yet . . .
They were just . . . . bland, which Fosse attributes to the genre choice, but you know – I remember Cosima last year taking the place APART in the disco section when she did 'Hot Stuff', so don't tell me its the genre. I think it might just be the people. And quite frankly, I've watched BBC documentaries that were more entertaining. Ouch.
Please Australian Idol. Bring back Shannon Noll. All is forgiven. (I’m joking. Please don’t bring back Shannon.)

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