Friday, November 05, 2004

Rant - US Presidential Election

Sigh. Another four more years of this buffoon? Honestly, I don't know what breaks my heart more, that the Iraq mess will potentially only take down my favourite world leader Tony Blair, that the early exit polls were so enthusiastic about Kerry and turned out to be total and utter hogwash (damn you CNN/ABC/BBC/FOX. Damn you to hell.) OR the fact that the bugger legitimately won it this time. No throwing out of votes, no 'hanging chads', no refusing people the right to vote, no underhanded help from brother Jeb, no running to the US Senate or to Daddy's appointed Supreme Court to have the election handed to him. No. He actually bollocksy won this one fair and square. **
And that is about the only thing that keeps me from taking a gun and walking into McDonalds and making the girl behind the register whose name is probably Cindi with an 'i' (I'll bet she signs her name with little hearts instead of dotting the 'i's. I hate that. I have so much anger.) serve me cheeseburgers until I fall into a diabetic coma. Its soooo sad that the only good I can take from this is that he didn't steal this one. Silver linings suck.
The scariest thing about all this was an expat woman they had on the BBC who got into an argument with a British guy on talkback radio who insisted that Bush did the right thing in Iraq and if 'they' decide to invade (yes, she said invade) Iran and North Korea as well, then THAT'S THEIR BUSINESS. I suddenly understood why he won. For crying out loud.

Should you wish to contact me, I can be found huddled in the foetal position in my new underground bomb shelter. Any donations of cans and or cyanide pills welcome. I'll be out in four years to support the Hillary Clinton/John Edwards ticket.

**Safest not to get me started on who really should have been running in 2004 - incumbent president AL GORE and (most likely candidate) Republican nominee Senator John McCain. In a less than perfect but still nonetheless better world than this one currently, Dubbya would have been sitting in the Governor's office in Texas denying the rights of prisoners on death row. Hate.

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