Tuesday, June 07, 2005

We're revoking your citizenship . .

Dear Russell,

Stop being such a wanker. Stop thinking you're sooooo fucking brilliant and come to grips with the fact that you need swift anger management classes. Someone please show this man the way to an intervention. Because dude? YOU'RE EMBARRASSING US. Keep making brilliant films that showcase your outstanding talents, have some more babies and maybe even take up Scientology but STOP with the rudeness and the fighting.
Just because you've won an Academy Award doesn't give you the right to be unforgiveably assy to those who work in the service industry. On the other hand, feel free to beat the living daylights out of all the paparazzi you can get your meaty fists on.



Anonymous said...

Tut tut Tallulah, I sense a little hostility. Let me propose something to you...do some research before you revoke his citizenship and you may find that the reports you have read are slightly exaggerated. The only thing we agree on is that he is a wanker (I think that despite this incident). Just for one minute think how pissed off you would be if you were unable to contact your wife and family when you are miles away and the hotel was doing bugger all to fix a problem everyone was complaining about - not just Russ. No one should have been injured, but the incident was no where near as bad as reported. I am surprised an intelligent person like yourself believes everything in the papers.

TallulahBelle said...

A LITTLE hostility?? Hee, I thought I wrote that with quite a bit. I think he's a very talented actor (most of the time) but I am quite serious about the anger management thing. If someone in my life consistently behaved like he did (and I think there's enough documented proof that he sometimes behaves like a total thug) I would absolutely be telling them they needed to get some kind of help. That aside, I believe absolutely everything I read in the papers. Wanna come see an alien autopsy with me??? Heh heh.