Tuesday, July 26, 2005

To Do List

1. Compile list of epithets, curses, adjectives and ingeniusly composed phrases in preparation of slammin’ Kyle Sandilands on Australian Idol. Am actually looking forward to not hating Marcia so much this season. Bring it ON Sandilands, you talentless hack!!
2. Do taxes. Use money back on taxes to buy something pretty.
3. Research way to make Tim from Big Brother fall madly in love with me. I am WAAAAAAY better than Kate, Timmy!
(It occurred to me last night that maybe it might be better if he doesn’t win, that way when Smart Women of Australia – or S.W.A., I'm starting a club – THROW themselves at him, he will know its because he’s kind and lovely and is much with the wordage, as opposed to thinking its just because he won a million dollars. Which is what he will think!! - because he’s lovely that way and self deprecating and doesn't realise how great he is and how any woman would be lucky to have him and I'm worried he won’t appreciate that this is because he’s WONDERFUL. Ahem.)
*rushes off to refill valium prescription*
4. Relax, safe in the knowledge that I currently have no lines to learn for anything. Then run out and rent Educating Rita to brush up on Liverpudlian accent for upcoming audition.
6. Update and write new blog for recently terribly neglected site . . . huh.

Well. Will you look at that . . . *tick*

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