Monday, February 27, 2006

Smell THIS greasepaint

From an email conversation betwixt myself and Shaneequa about the incredibly unreliable people you can meet doing a play during which I let loose in a nasty but thoroughly deserved way . . . ( this is a play that I was asked to step into six rehearsals out from opening, its not a huge role, it is of middling size but six rehearsals - or just over a week - is still a BIG ask and I only agreed because I admire and love Fosse and desperately want him to cast me in something he directs at some point. Ahem. Sucking up portion of today's blog completed. Continue . . . )

Oh, and Fosse is not the director mentioned, he is acting in the play . . .

Email : DUDE. Do NOT even get me started. Woh, too late . . . at the tech run for (current play Tallulah is in), people actually thought they would be able to leave at FIVE o'clock because that's when they normally finish rehearsals on a Sunday. Members of the cast had made other plans. WTF??!! Apparently none of them have ever done any theatre before, ever. EVER.* And the director was all ready to let them leave (and please bear in mind that at this point, ONE rehearsal before we opened, I still hadn't done a full run-through of the play. There were still scenes that I hadn't done at all. We had Monday rehearsal left and that was it, audience in on Tuesday, thanks very much).
It was only the fact that one of the committee members was there and could hear Fosse and myself rolling our eyes in disbelief and clucking our tongues for all we were worth - and basically losing our shit - that he stepped in and overruled the director and said I'm sorry but you shouldn't have made plans on a day when you're doing a tech and dress rehearsal, you have to stay, cancel your plans (causing one of the girls to burst into tears and the others to bitch furiously in the dressing room at the director, the committee and us for having the temerity to want to do a FULL FREAKING RUN two days before we open, I mean can you believe the rudeness of wanting a full run, its crazy talk!!)
If we hadn't done that I'd have had one full run. One. I was freaking out that they were all going to leave and we'd have only half the cast for the dress rehearsal.
And the bitching, oy the bitching.
And the bint who came and talked to us who Fosse can't stand? - she threw a massive hissy fit because the company wouldn't organise a BABYSITTER for her. She wanted to bring her son to each performance and have someone look after him and the company said I don't freaking think so lady**. And she threatened to walk out. Gah.
The director was apparently thinking of getting her to play the character I'm doing and Fosse nearly died and I think it was at that point that he threw my name into the mix "she's not the right age but at least she can act . . . " And bint is another 'professional actor' and she's fucking useless on stage. Training RUINS some people. She's also the kind who constantly says "well, I've done professional theatre and I've never known a tech run to run so overtime" to which I responded "well, I've been doing amateur theatre for over ten years and this is what its like when people WHO DON'T DO IT FOR A LIVING AND ARE UNPAID VOLUNTEERS GIVING UP THEIR OWN LIVES TO PUT ON A SHOW muddle their way through things, and yeah, sometimes it takes a lot longer than you think it will, I've know tech runs to still be going at midnight princess.***"
End Email

So I say kudo's to Shaneequa for resisting the urge to smack people upside the head at her own recent tech/dress run. Tech runs are THE BEST!! 'Cause yeah its 'just' amateur theatre and people have lives outside their current production, but if you agree to take the part, then you agree to a certain amount of time waste-age. And seriously. No director I have ever known (and this includes you Shaneequa) has ever been able to stick to a timetable for a tech run - they're extremely complicated and frustrating things. So actors? When you are required for a tech run - which is not always - keep quiet, listen to the director and stage manager, move when told, speak when told, shut up when told and stop fucking around with the props because the quicker the techies get the lights and sound completed and ready, the faster we get to get into costume and makeup and get to the fun bit. Its all just common sense really. Sigh.

* and to look at their bio's in the programme, I know this is not so. They've all done a lot of theatre and should have known better.
** there are potential insurance liability issues here.
*** only I said it nicer. A bit.


Shaneequa said...

You go girl - testify!
Ahem. I am an actor...a singer...I am a director (sometimes) and I also produce theatre - guess that makes me a multi-talented girl who wears many hats (with, btw, a kick-ass weave underneath - uh-huh!) and it is always SO disappointing to see how people react in the lead up to show-week. Ah show week - that wonderful time when the egos of amatuer performers balloon at a rapid and unwarranted pace...
You have crew on sight early to do all of the important (and usually laborious) technical stuff that needs to happen for these shows to even function, and more often than not the cast can't see past their own frickin egos to respect them as members of the production team. Now I should say here that although my tech run totally sucked (key problem was the massive storms on Saturday flooding our bio-box - for the non-theatrically inclined readers among you, that's bad) my cast weren't so awful as to dis the crew. They ain't that stoopid. A few of them just didn't see the need to respect their director...or the fact that the people juggling production/acting roles needed a short time-out (for food/drink/oxygen) before starting the full run. Not much to ask when you think about it, huh? And they looked so confused when I looked at them with my 'WTF' face on - at least after a few weeks of rehearsal time together (and now show week) they have now learnt to fear that face...bout frickin time people!!!
So here's what I say - you want the glory? You want the adoration of the crowds/audience/few random relatives in the sparse audience? Then sit there, shuddup and do what you are told and we'll all get along fine! Happy to tolerate the ego if its warranted, but don't be bringing attitude to my tech runs...or my show week...or we be having one hell of a problem.
Shaneequa out!

TallulahBelle said...

Testify! Can I get an amen??!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to all that, sistas!!!!

Anonymous said...

*Laughing my arse off*
Ahhhh, the joys of amateur theatre...the endless bitching, the idiots who spend all their time big-noting themselves (why is it that these people are always the biggest dickheads in the bunch? Hmmm...) and of course, the joy that is production week.

How we love it.


Anonymous said...

Ahh this is why I prefer to direct teenagers !
I remember one tech run that went from 10am until midnight and we STILL hadn't got it right. The lead still had a script in his hand, the lighting guys showed up four hours late, the director spent more time yelling at the cast (and moddycoddling the lead who was the most unprepared) than talking to the Stage Manager.Opening night, we had still not done a full run of the show!

Damn, I miss the theatre.....