Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I gave up coffee today . . .

. . . for the next ten days while I'm doing a Blackmores 10 Day Detox.

Don't fuck with me, I will get medieval on your ass. The slightest provocation will inspire yelling, screaming, the reckless pointing of fingers, tanties of a nuclear nature and spazz attacks the like of which have not been seen since Tonya Harding's iceskate laces came undone during the winter Olympics. (And the word 'fuck' may appear a teeny little bit more in my posts over the next ten days as I have given up coffee.)

Given up.
Nooooo coffee.
Nada caffeine.
Less latte, heaps herbal.
Cappuccino? No-a-thank-you.
Espresso shot? Not.
No Nescafe, no International Roast (although really, who would miss International Roast, right?) no decaffė, nuttin'.

Oh, and it hasn't even opened yet and I am already officially OVER Mission Impossible III.
So fuck off Tom Cruise.

AND the Da Vinci Code. Yes, you can fuck off as well, Tom Hanks. And take your serial killer hair with you.



Anonymous said...

Let us know how you go Tally.
I have often looked at the detox but want to know if it is worth giving up coffee for THAT long !

My thoughts are with you :)

Louche said...

Coffee is our friend! Its the only thing that separates us from the animals!
Good luck though. My one month off alcohol lasted 3 days.

As for Da Vinci Code, greasy Tom Hanks is SO not sexy. I'll wait until I see it on an airplane or something.

Reggie Lacerta said...

Ha ha, Tally without caffine would be like a car without a brake pedal -

increadible dangerous and you do not want to be around, BUT if you were there, and there was silly music and commentary, entertaining viewing!