Meet the new man in my fictional life. His name is . . . well, I don't know his name, no-one does, he just goes by 'Doctor'. But he's funny as hell, he's cute, he's well written, exceptionally well dressed and he can reference pop culture like no-one (else) I know. (He is currently involved with some blonde british bint but secretly I don't think thats gonna last.)
I just, you know. Thought you should know. It doesn't mean he's replaced you in my heart or anything. Its just that I see him each week whereas I haven't seen you in a while except for that one photo of you in Who Weekly last week in LA with Brad and a flamingo and you're covering your face in that so . . . yeah . . . I don't have to decide what to pop in the DVD with the Doctor, he's there, every Saturday night at 7.30. Its a very easy relationship. Trouble free really, if you don't mind Daleks and Cybermen crashing your date.
Take heart though - remember, you fought back Ryan Reynolds that one time and he was incredibly stiff competition. And you pretty much just sneered at Johnny Depp and he went and hid behind his hot french model wife. So if you could maybe, make some comment about the upcoming elections in the US? Or randomly start spouting some liberal rhetoric about winning back the House? And if you made an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart I would completely forget about this time travelling hottie and his awesome coat and incredibly adorable facial expressions and manner of speaking.
I saw him first. And to prove it I have 4 other series on dvd that he's been in. Including the whole of the current series of Doctor Who! So back off! He he.
Tally, love, been logging in several times a day in the hopes of seeing your take on the wildcard announcement show. Feeling deprived!
Oh nermy one - sorry to disappoint but I just can't muster up the energy to blog about the eviction shows. I'd like to think its because I don't have that much bitch in me, but we know that would be a lie. Suffice it to say, I was BITTERLY disappointed that Klancie went through instead of Amanda and thought that the judges dragging up two at a time the better to wring every last moment of public humiliation - FOR THE SECOND TIME - when they don't get through and burst into tears of woe, was incredibly fucking cruel and really low. Even for this show.
Yes the whole format sucked. It was, I think, a cynical bid to extract as much cruel drama as possible from the contestants and as much money as possible from the voting public, esp since they didn't reveal how little a hand the public would have in it until the show, and never revealed how those they ditched fared in public voting.
Bouquets to you for what must have been - particularly last week - an exhausting (albeit self-imposed) task. I applaud your selflessness in entertaining we idol tragics! Tally ho!
Duuuuuuuude, you totally just called me a ho . . .
If you manage to hook up with the Doctor, can I have the left-overs (ie Rose)? :-/
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