New film. Serious Clooney. Also Hot Clooney; Clooney Who Knows How To Join A Project With An Amazing Motherfucking Cast*; Academy Award Winning Clooney Who Is Possibly Looking Sideways At Another Nomination, But This Time For Best Actor, Pretty Please, Don't You Think?; and I Look Great In A Movie Poster Even When I'm Blurred, Suck On That Bitches, Clooney.
He has my vote. Sigh.
*Seriously; Tom Wilkinson, Michael O'Keefe, Sydney Pollack and Her Royal Brilliance Tilda Swinton. This movie is NOT allowed to suck, even marginally. I will not have it.
And PS - Happy Birthday to Shaneequa. And just for her . . . The Depp.

Swinton really has been criminally overlooked, don't you think? Her performance in "The Deep End" was sublime. 2001 was a banner year - it also had Kidman's superior "The Others" performance overlooked in favour of "Moulin Rouge!". Of course it was Halle "I followed up my Oscar with no less than 8 consecutive shithouse films" Berry who won that year. [insert pointless rant about Academy voting tendencies]
Mmmm...happy birthday to me - delish!
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