Monday, October 27, 2008

Liveblogging; Six to Five

7 31 G (in a fetching pin striped suit and pink breast cancer ribbon on his lapel and and awesome black and white vertically striped tie) tells Luke and Wes that they're the only two who haven't been in the Bottom Three but that one of them is this week and he takes such a large pause in between "Wes" and "you're safe" that Wes and I think he's B3, but it's Luke. They manfully shake hands. Mathieson (who is sans jacket tonight and his tie? Not so skinny . . .) tells Chrislyn she's safe and that Teale is B3. Which leaves Mark and Roshani (G flirtingly tells Mark he loves it) and Mark is SO safe. Except for Luke, that's an okay B3.

7 33 Luke Dickens sings "Honky Tonk Woman' for his first appearance in the Bottom Three and seems a little wonky, it's not his best performance, it's a little scratchy like he hasn't warmed up or something. G sends him back to whatserface who says he did a fantastic job last night and hopes that his perf gets him through. Luke barely gets an "okay" in edgewise.

7 36 Teale Jakubenko doesn't have his guitar as he re-sings 'You Can't Always Get What You Want'. It's still very pretty. Pretty dull. See what I did there? That lame ass joke? More interesting than this performance. He does well again with the key change. Mathieson sends him back to whatserface. She crosses everything for him but again doesn't let him say a freaking word.

7 38 Roshani Priddis looks pissed off, her eyebrows are seriously furrowed and pained as she sings 'Wild Horses'. She looks like she knows it's her or Teale. She almost misses some of her lyrics and is either struggling to remember the words or trying not to cry. I'd go with the tears. Oh, Roshani. She adds another five notes to the ten she previously sang towards the end.

7 46 G has his boy Mark sitting next to him on The Couch Of Safe (helping G straighten his pink ribbon - as G notes "save the boobies, Australia, save the boobies") as he drops that next week is Michael Jackson week. Oh my god. That's both awesome and horrid!

7 47 Mathieson speaks to Luke who is so laid back about it that he almost falls off The Couch Of Not Safe. He says with only six, it's fifty/fifty as to which couch you're on. Luke says there's nothing he could have done differently, he got out there and sang his best. And then Bill from Luke's local pub in NSW calls Luke 'Dicko' (which throws me - there can be only one!), and then wants to make sure he's getting his fill of VB.

7 50 whatserface talks to Roshani about how difficult song choice can be and then oh my god!! She does it!! She actually fucking does it!! Ricki Lee FUCKING Coulter makes Roshani's moment ALL ABOUT HER and The Beatles debacle!! FIRED FIRED FIRED FIRED FIRED. Dicko looks spectacularly unimpressed and appears to be biting back a massive grin. Roshani says she sang her guts out and loves that song and it's the most vulnerable she's been and she has to stick by it. Because it's veering dangerously close to being about Roshani, whatserface brings it back to her, saying again that it's the song she would have done as well. whatserface throws it to the judges, wanting to know why they were so hard on her. Coulter smart alecs that the crowd liked it so therefore Austalia should have and Kyle gloriously smacks her down, saying the live crowd are basically trained monkeys who will cheer for a tiny piece of chocolate and can not be trusted. Dicko tells her to use the internet and research her songs - amen, Brother Dicko!

7 53 Mathieson reminds Teale he's B3'd about five times. Teale thinks he's done and Jimmy encourages him to "back himself". Kayla from NSW thinks he should grow his hair longer and then wants to know what kind of artist he wants to be. He says pop/rock with a bit of soul, which he calls sprock. Jimmy doesn't think that'll catch on. He's still jacketless. G badly jokes that he thought sprock was on Star Trek. He's just so giddy that he gets to sit next to Mark this week, he's struggling to string proper sentences together, let alone make good jokes.

7 56 The Cadbury Performance and a Half is absolutely the one you thought it was going to be. Mark Spano singing 'Angie' to me.

8 00 Lines are closed! Mathieson has inserted himself in between G and Mark. Jealous, much Jimmy?

8 02 Time wasting footage of Wes Carr dancing around backstage like a maniac. Wes may or may not bust out the moonwalk for us next Sunday. G talks him into doing some MJ now and he borrows a jaunty hat from the crowd and busts a move. Chrislyn says Idol has made her weird. G tells Mark that Dicko could not stop raving about him last night. Dicko says his phone went mad after last nights show and the industry has finally worked out that a boy is going to win this season so now they're interested.

8 05 The Idols made the yearly visit to Ronald McDonald House, this year in Tamworth. Fantastic house workers, gorgeous kids who make you want to cry and all round awesomeness. The Idols sing their greatest hits - Chrislyn does 'True Colours', Wes busts out 'Desire', Roshani sings 'Tell Me About It'.

8 12 Chris Brown sings 'Forever'. His dancing absolutely shits all over The Messiah, sorry man. However Wes, you sing better than he does. We'll call it a draw, yeah?

8 15 Chris gets flowers from the crowd and Mathieson tries to gank them to give to G in apology for seperating him from Mark earlier in the show. Chris' block mounted poster looks like it weighs a metric tonne. Jimmy's been working out though as he holds it using just one of his skinny skinny arms. whatserface babbles about how cool Chris Brown is whilst the three up for boot sit in uncomfortable tense silence behind her and don't look at all awkward about it. Nice. Fired.

8 22 The boys recap the judges comments from last night. First person safe is . . . Teale. Good bye Roshani. There's no way it's going to be Luke.

8 28 Mathieson surprises no one by telling Roshani she's done.

8 30 Roshani's last song is Joss Stone's 'Tell Me About It'. Her voice is definitely not in as good as condition as it was when she first sang this song, she cracks all over the place but she's having a blast. G gives her a big ol' hug. See, it's not all bad!

Tallulah(Angie)Belle out.

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