Monday, November 03, 2008

Liveblogging; Five to Four

7 31 Mathieson is sans jacket again, but is looking a thousand times sharper than last night. Both boys are wearing very pretty ties - Jimmy's has a nice embossed pattern and G's is accountant hot - it's an acquired taste. I've acquired it. He breaks it to Chrislyn that she's Bottom Three. Jimmy lets Wes and his HIDEOUS yellow shirt know that they are safe. G moves on to Teale who smiles that he's fully aware and more than comfortable being in the B3. Which leaves Luke and Mark. Mathieson fakes out Luke by telling him Australia didn't like his performance, they loved it and he's safe. Spanner B3.

7 34 Chrislyn Hamilton (who is looking fantastic - her hair has never looked better) is still sounding pitchy on 'Thriller' but she's busting out the attitude as she sings "this is the end of the line" and you can see her eyebrows telegraphing to the audience that hell, no, they don't think it's time to go. (Her eyebrows are rhyming eyebrows! Ricky Muscat's never did that!) She delivers the HELL out of the ending and G takes her hand and runs her back to whatserface who threatens zombie moves again. They girly chit chat about how she KILLED that repeat performance.

7 37 'Billie Jean' is still slightly snore inducing as Teale Jakubenko nonetheless hits every note, perfectly executed. His segue to the higher register in his glory note is much better and a little Chris Isaak sounding so it would be grossly unfair if he goes tonight. whatserface asks him if he comes here often and he smiles that it's become a second home.

7 40 G practically gets down on his knees and begs forgiveness for the coldness he showed Mark Spano last night, with his hand on Mark's shoulder and a sexy little shove toward the centre of the stage, requesting that he show Australia why he has to stay. Spanner looks hot in a crisp white dress shirt and incorrectly sings part of the second verse twice - he works the crowd and skips over to the boys sitting on The Couch of Safe and sings to them a bit.

7 44 G admonishes the audience to vote as it's quite close and he has concerns for his boy.

7 49 The Couch of Safe looks bare with only Wes and Luke sitting there as G shoots us to another recap where Chrislyn's singing is missing. Cut back to G and the boys on the couch doing their best Chrislyn imitation. As G notes, it's not very good . . .

7 51 Mathieson asks everyone to get behind their favourite Spano. (He might have actually put a full stop in that sentence but I couldn't hear one.) Mark spazzes out completely and is very pleased that Jermaine liked him. Megan from Bateman's Bay loves Mark and wants him to do some Matchbox Twenty. That's so lame. And Megan is an IDIOT because she then takes the opp to THANK whatserface FOR THE AWESOME JOB SHE IS DOING. Megan might be a little stupid.

7 54 whatserface says it's time to make it about Chrislyn, briefly asks her how she's felt about the different themes they've had this season and then once again makes it All About Her as whatserface says she cried when she found out that Jermaine would be on. Back to Chrislyn as her inhouse fan, Ross, asks her, win or lose what kind of music she would sing. Chrislyn says she would be a soul RnB singer, thanks very much, buy her CD when it comes out, ta.

7 55 We have to see part of Teale's performance again for some reason, there's only five minutes of voting left, are they trying to save Teale?? Mathieson says everyone loved the version of 'Billie Jean' he did and Teale says it's a Chris Cornell version - thank you! Mathieson smiles that with all his time in the B3, he's performed more than anyone left. Teale's inhouse fan flirts with him and wants to know what he likes to do in his spare time - write poetry, walk along the beach, date crazy stalker fans maybe? Teale quickly drops that he likes to spend time with his girlfriend and then G pulls the poor fan down on to The Couch of Not Safe and Mathieson tells her to nick off and then chastises his boyfriend for doing that.

7 58 The Cadbury Performance and a Half is again absolutely the one you thought it was going to be, as Wes throws his hat into the audience and kicks 'Black and White'.

8 02 Kyle MJ dances at us a little. It's just as scary as you imagine it is. G calls him a goose and asks Kyle and Marcia what it was like having JJ sitting in between them. Marcia calls him musical royalty and Kyle pays him out for being too nice. G and Mathieson crack up as G gladly smiles that he doesn't have Kyle's karma. Blake from Sydney thinks Kyle is meaner than Dicko. I don't so much care if he's nice or not, I just would like him to know what the hell he's talking about, that would be great.

8 06 Mathieson and Luke talk about Luke's partner Brooke, who makes EVERYONE'S day by agreeing with Jimmy that the chin thing has to go. Wes and his bad BAD shirt defend their nerves on the performance night as he refuses to admit to vomiting - to which G says a disbelieving and adorable, 'bollocks'. They have his mum Denise on the phone and she and G proceed to embarrass the living HELL out of Wes with stories of how he got into the Johnny Young Talent School. G has his hands ALL over Wes. He's missing his Spano. You'd best believe there will be manly tears if Mark goes tonight.

8 12 Pink! Sorry, P!nk. New song 'Sober', much much better than her last song. She's doing like fifteen concerts in Melbourne next year, she keeps announcing them and they keep selling out. She should seriously consider moving here. We have tattoo parlours and gyms as well, P!nk! Oh, that's too many exclamation points . . . god, that husky break in her voice is gorgeous. And lady knows how to perform live. Idols, take note. She gets to kiss both Mathieson and G on the cheek - man, I'd move here if I was from overseas and could get that kind of action. Mathieson totally channels me and tells her she should move here and she confesses to having thought about it - everyone says that about Australia. I'd like someone to mean it. And I'd like that someone to be Jensen Ackles. I have a spare room, Jensen! And by spare room, I mean the other side of my bed . . .

8 23 The boys recap the judges notes from the previous night. First person safe is . . . Teale. Oh no. Chrislyn is the last girl, she's not going to go tonight, is she? So that means . . . NO! Not my Spano!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Ad break. Damn it!

Nervous sidebar; the ad for X-Men The Last Stand looks great. No really, it does. HURRY UP AND GET BACK TO THE SHOW.

8 30 G nervously tells Mathieson to just read the damn name, if he's going to lose his boy, he just wants to know already, okay, don't keep this from him, just break his heart quickly. Holy crap! Chrislyn is GONE! She gets a little teary as G tells her she's been ten kinds of awesome (that's MY line!), although to be frank, Chrislyn didn't reach the heights she promised during the audition/Seymour centre days/CanYouFeelIt ad. Which isn't to say that in the future she couldn't be great. Give her a few more years to get some experience, lose the theatrics and work on her pitch.

8 33 She dances and sings her way over to The Couch of Safe as she performs 'Get Ready' from Motown week. She shakes Dicko's hand, tells Kyle to get off her when he dances up against her back and then walks around shaking hands of random backstage people and screams her last "Cause here I come". G says she's fearless and joyful to the end and the Final Four Of No Girls Allowed (as Mathieson says, it's a sausage fest - heeeeee) come over to hug her and - in Mark's case - look remarkably relieved. G and Mathieson sign out by letting us know that next week is Star Spangled Banner Appreciation week (or All American - and, what the fuck kind of theme is that?) with guest Chris motherfucking Isaak (!!) and as they say goodbye, the camera pulls back to show Dicko bolting to the stage to say goodbye properly to Chrislyn. Bye Chrislyn! Sorry your eyebrows weren't right!

TallulahBelle out.


Anonymous said...

Tally my love, I don't mean to harass you, but will you be blogging Idol this week? I have come to see whether you have been in paroxysms over Tool's latest performances, not to mention Le Sex that is Mr Isaak, and am leaving bitterly, bitterly disappointed at the blank space before me. Of course, if you have an actual, like, LIFE to live, I guess I can deal with that. Just.

TallulahBelle said...

*has new show opening this week*

*has been sick*

*has still not even watched perf show but will attempt to get to it this week(


Anonymous said...

Aww you poor munchkin. Get better soon! Even if you don't blog it immediately, do watch, for your own amusement!