Monday, October 11, 2004

Australian Idol - Freaking Let It Be

Well. Didn't last night suck. For many reasons. Lets start with the fact that kids today DON'T KNOW THE BEATLES. How is that possible? I guess the average 20-odd year can not know the backcatalogue of the Fab Four and get through life quite fine, thank you very much. But singers? THESE singers? Musicians of any calibre should know the history of their chosen field and therefore I WAS HORRIFIED. I grew up with the Beatles, my mother loved those boys more than I love a good latte and one of my first clear memories as a child is my mother crying fit to break a tear duct in front of our room-sized stereo system in Karratha as she listened to the announcer talk about the slaying of John Lennon in New York. As a three year old I threw the Beatles albums around like frisbees - allegedly - and my mother has never truly forgiven me for it. I bought her a block mounted copy of Let It Be that she has in pride of place in the loungeroom, a desperate apology from a grown up daughter who realised how much she would FREAK if her kids turned around and ruined her Crowded House memorabilia. How DARE these kids be SO horrendously unprepared?

Casey - HORRIBLE, but I slightly forgive you because you're at school during the day and don't have the time that the others do, you're at a slight disadvantage but STILL Eleanor Rigby should not be treated with SUCH contempt. Urk.
Ricki-Lee, I hate you once again, thanks for returning me to my original state regarding you, I take back every good thing I EVER said about you. You'll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes if I have any say in it.

Anthony, the Johnny Young Talent Time lawyers will be contacting you about your blatant rip off of every show they ever did.
Hayley . . . I don't honestly remember what she was like, I barely remember what she sang. Sooooo very bland. Soooooooooo very bland.
Thank John, Paul, Ringo and George for Marty (WHO KNEW!!), the CourtJester (we forgive the forgetting of the lyrics because he covered so well, I didn't even notice until the 2nd time I watched it and he loved what he was doing, it was infectious) and Chanel. Ahhhhh Chanel, Marcia - how hard were those words to spit out of your mouth dahling??? There was a lot less SHUT UP MARCIA because she finally got with the programme. Lets see how long it lasts. Chanel outclassed them all. I loved it almost as much as her Portishead and her Propeller Heads. She is a class act, she has a lovely way with a tune and I bow my head and salaam in your direction Chanel, we are NOT worthy.
I think it might be Miss Casey tonight, although I had to put in my vote for the tipping competition on Friday because I didn't know if I would have the internet today and I chose Mediocre Marty because WHO KNEW. From my position in this internet cafe in Hawthorn with my mugaccino and my bedhair, I apologise to the Dome. He doesn't deserve to go tonight and if he does it will not be because of his performance. Good luck kids and Casey if you survive this one, please PLEASE listen to the song, listen to the lyric and ask Chanel for some tips.

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