Monday, October 18, 2004

Australian Idol - Who Ya Gonna Call

Things to do after watching Australian Idol 80's show
1. Put tongue back in mouth and clean up drool following Chanel's performance. Shazaaaam.
2. Rewind and watch again due to not hearing everyone the first time as was singing at top of own lungs to songs from childhood. Badly.
3. Come to grips with realisation that will probably never be the Australian Idol.
4. Take pins out of Marcia doll and put them into Mark Holden doll for what he said to Courtney. Remember what he said to Chanel and then take them out. Put them back in again when he speaks to Hayley.
5. Fast forward through the ARIAs to the nights hands down best idol performance as Guy burns up the stage. Sigh nostagically.

Once again Chanel and Courtney saved an otherwise slightly listless and dull show. I felt my attention drifting like the continental plates as Hayley and Anthony performed. They were just soooo snoozeworthy. Gah. And big facial smacks to Mark Holden for putting Hayley on the spot about her album, I thought that was WAY out of line. Bad man. Anthony, its lucky the gay men love you because the straight girls are starting to lose their interest. Of course, I'm not twelve so I might be wrong about that. Casey failed to raise either happiness or ire within me. She was good, but not great. Slightly more interesting than Hayley or Anthony, but that might have been because I was waiting to see if she forgot the words to this song too. Marty disappointed me. I thought he would tear that song up and he realllllllly didn't. Thats the power of blah. He might as well have done the Jennifer Rush song of the same name.
The CourtJester and my bestest friend made me beam and smile - and in Chanel's case, want her to be my girlfriend. Although I was hoping she would tear into that song a liiiiittle bit more than she did, she was still bellisimo. But the night just totally belonged to the CourtJester, who usurped his usual curly goodness for the gelled hair look (I am devastated that no-one Flock of Seagulls'ed it tonight, yes Andrew G I am looking at your lovely locks - they would have FoS'd niiiiiiicely). The 'do' suited Court and he looked less like John Candy in Spaceballs (shout out Fosse!) and more like my Australian Idol. The boy was fab and I'm thinking about changing my name to Sheree in his honour. And for the first time ever . . . . SHUT UP MARK. (And a slightly less emotional but nonetheless heartfelt Shut Up Marcia for still refusing to say anything really very nice to my girl.)
So I picked Casey to go based on no reasoning whatsoever but purely because I haven't correctly picked the evictee yet and I quite obviously don't have my finger on any pulses and knowing my luck it will be my girl. But it should be Marty or Casey. Or maybe Hayley. Possibly Courtney or Anthony? Or even Chanel? Meh. It will definitely be one of those six. I imagine. Right?

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