Monday, January 16, 2006

Oh, for crying out loud

I love The Poseidon Adventure, its one of my favourite films and inducted me at a young age into a morbid love of 70's disaster films - yes, I even like the godawful 'modern' ones like Volcano and even Daylight, which was essentially TPA set in a tunnel with Sylvester Stallone instead of the awesome Gene Hackman, its crap but I'll still watch it if I'm changing channels and I see Amy Brenneman pluckily saving the lives of others by using her sneakers to grab a live electrical cable . . . damn . . . . excuse me, I have to go rent it now - and one of my favourite bits in TPA is the wonderful Shelley Winters telling Gene Hackman that in the water she's still a skinny lady. Her death scene (hope I'm not spoiling this or the soon to be released re-make) after that is truly sad and she thoroughly deserved her Oscar nom. Also loved her on Roseanne as Rosie's crazy ass loudmouthed losing her mind grandmother . . .

Its been a bad couple of weeks for Hollywood. And with the glut of yearly award ceremonies starting tomorrow, (first up are the Golden Globes - The Clooney is nominated for THREE and to prove he is interconnected with everything, George was in the early seasons of Roseanne also) the producers must be scrambling to cut time from something so they can expand the In Memoriam section. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just adore Shelley Winters in that scene too, the ultimate sacrifice.

I also relate to the skinny lady in the water remark. What a line of dialogue.

The Poiseden Adventure is one film i never tire of.