Monday, September 24, 2007

When other things seem slightly more important

No Idol blog today I'm afraid kiddies. I had put aside a couple of hours today to write it up but unfortunately the awesome Fosse is currently bedridden in hospital and instead of serving up zingers and putdowns for a reality show about singing, I thought I'd visit my bud instead.*

Have no fear though, tomorrow IS another day and I'll bitch it up for you then. In the meantime, a quick cut throat ramble :

Tarasai Vushe - eh. Cosima did it much much better.
Ben Moppet McKenzie - j'adore. I'd ask him to be the father of my children if he wasn't a child himself.
Mark da Costa - RunMdC hit it out of the park with perfect song choice and perfect execution.
Lana Krost - sigh. I would be waving her bye bye if I didn't think it unfair for a girl to go three weeks in a row, plus her perf wasn't the worst.
Jacob Butler - no, no, no, no, no. Great song, middling execution.
Marty Simpson - boy oh boy, did this suck royally. Should be going home.
Daniel Mehsdud - crap. Hated it, hate him. Still not as bad as Marty though, and also stop screaming for him, you're all giving him delusions of grandeur.
HotCarl Risely - for real? You're scatting during Disco? Fuck. And also, ow at your falsetto.
Matt Newly Anointed One Corby - Holden needs to be stripped of the power of Touchdown if he's going to pointlessly throw it away on a well below par performance. I would have given him one for 'The Scientist' over this.
Natalie That Touchdown Was Mine You Little PUNK Gauci - grrrreat. Beautifully executed, the best of the night and Holden can kiss my ever expanding arse.

Tune in tomorrow for the real thing, which will be laden with hindsight based on who bottom three's tonight - which should be Lana, Marty and Jacob/Daniel. With Marty going home purely because it shouldn't be another girl but Lana, do you see this ice you're skating on? Ooooooooh, isn't it thin . . .

* For those of our nearest and dearest, he's okay but call me if you want more info.

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