My dearest George,
It's that time of year again (did I . . . miss 2007? Fuck. Happy Birthday for last year too. Don't make me hand in my The Clooney Appreciation Fanclub card, I'm the president, that's just embarrassing.)
I cast my mind back, waaaaaaaaaay back, to our first date together; you, the young Booker on Roseanne; me, freshfaced young 'un in high school still exploring her sexuality (thanks for that by the way) . . . it's slightly pervy, isn't it? But no fear! It wasn't until 1994 and ER and the magic that was Dr Doug Ross (Paediatrician of Perfection) that you really captured my attention, my eye, my heart and my girlish fervour, stealing it off Spike from Press Gang and flattening my long time crush on Neil Finn. And good GOD, man, you have just gotten better and better with age (although, that Nespresso ad that you're in? Hon, eat a sandwich.)
Now our relationship hasn't always been rock solid - I mean, you've faced some extremely TOUGH competition of late from David Tennant and I may have admitted to Fosse as recently as last week that should I have to choose between the two of you, I don't know that I'd automatically choose you anymore . . . sorry. But I'm sure you've seen Doctor Who right?? You've seen Tennant as Ten and if so, you understand. (I'm also pretty sure that you'd offer to join us. I'd be okay with that. I think Tennant might be too. Call us!)
But in my heart of hearts I know you are My Guy. Others may come and go (Johnny Depp, Gareth David-Lloyd, Ryan Reynolds, Jon Stewart) but you . . . oh you. You are eternal. You are delightful. You are The Clooney.
Happy Birthday my sweet sweet boy.
You know Spike still lays claim to a small section of my heart - he was my first ever TV crush.
I must acquire Press Gang - it was one of the most awesome shows of my childhood.
Btw - I think David Tennant is somewhat creepy looking...
*flees the wrath of TallulahBelle*
Aaaah Dexter Fletcher . . he owned the hearts of so many of our generation. (I have them all on DVD Lissa . . . and you may not borrow them because of your remarks towards The Tennant. Creepy looking. RiDICulous.)
I take it back! I take it back! He is not creepy looking at all I was mistaken - he's one of the most delightfully gorgeous guys on the planet *crosses fingers behind back and hopes tally doesn't see*
Promises never to say another mean thing about 'The Tennant'.
I shall take it under advisement.
I shall take it under advisement.
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